Blog: June 2011

Stanford's Data Wrangler for visual data exploration

On several quick projects and tasks, Wrangler has saved me days of brute manipulation, and helped me explore new methods faster.  It's a fantastic tool for getting your data into the format you need it, so you can start doing more interesting things with it:

Google Correlate for fun and profit

...well, if you find the "profit" application, let me know.

Google labs has a new product called Google Correlate.  You can read the product's introductory description here (in comic book form).  The service takes any time-based data series you give it and matches the Google search queries that have the highest correlation with your series, then does you the additional favor of plotting it on a map---very cool.

Design and prime numbers

Great article at Design Festival on using prime numbers to make the period of repetitive patterns very large, making tiling less visible:

They call it The Cicada Principle.

It's thorough and accessible.  Using this, they make interesting patterns including curtains, lego warrios, and wood.

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